A Laboratory for Live and Interactive Art & Technology
May 10 – 13 2010, all day 10.00 – 23.00 Kanonhallen, Oslo, Norway
We will perform two workshops in cooperation with DKIA at the Art.on.Wires Festival in Oslo, Norway: BoBo –Gadgetto & Playful Spaces. At the BoBo – Gadgetto workshop, we will build a wearable and interactive LED display. At Playful Spaces we will toy with the constraints & resources of gadgetry and modify it for some “artistic” purpose.
Visit the Festival Page– there’s lots of nice & interesting stuff.
If you’re interested in participating in one of the upcoming workshops, you need to register here.
“Art.on.Wires is an open laboratory for live and interactive art where researchers, engineers and practitioneers from various fields collaborate to explore and create a new generation of media technology for artistic performances and mixed-reality spaces.
We invite choreographers, dancers, singers, actors, musicians, composers, DJs, VJs, visual artists, programmers, set designers, light engineers, sound engineers and interested researchers to join our laboratory. The four-day event will feature workshops on artistic programming tools and interactive technologies, dorkbot talks and experimental performances. Art.on.Wires takes place in an old industry hall which will be equipped with interactive technologies to serve as a space for artistic and scientific experimentation.
Our main topics are Space and Interaction. Artistically we are interested in interactions with smart performance spaces and interactions between people in remote networked performance spaces. On the engineering side issues of interest are the integration of Vision, Sound and Motion technologies into a local space to enable remote and mixed-reality interactions.”
Keynote Talks
* Tue 11/5, 14-15h: Mark Coniglio, Troika Ranch
* Wed 12/5, 14-15h: Atau Tanaka, Chair of Digital Media, Director of Culture Lab, Newcastle University
Dorkbot Talks
Mon 10/5, 20-23h: The purpose of dorkbot talks is to give all Art.on.Wires participants and local artists from Oslo a platform for informal presentation of their work. The evening is open to everyone and there is no entrance fee. Talks are strictly limited to 10min and 2min for questions afterwards. Talks must be registered on-site between 18h00 and 19h45 on Monday 10th.
Art.on.Wires is structured into guided workshops which happen at the beginning of the festival, followed by spontaneously organised free workshops where people can gather to work on an idea or concept. See the workshop page for details.
Live Concerts and Experimental Performances
* Tue 11/5, 20-23h: Line-up TBA
* Wed 12/5, 20-23h: Line-up TBA
Open Laboratory
Thu 13/5, 14-18h: On the last day we open the doors of our laboratory space to everyone. In particular, we invite children and families to visit us, explore the installations we’ve designed and watch the performances we’ve created.
If you are arround Oslo, so feel free to drop by!!!